Wednesday, November 26, 2014

"ITS A MIRACLE" Nature's Oil Product Review

"Happy Hair days" to ALL!

All thanks to "Its A Miracle-Nature's Oils"...
Jamie here, and I just wanted to take a few moments of your time to talk about "Kinky" hair.  Now i'm sure you'll agree that when it comes to Natural hair, styling can be very versatile, if you have the right products.

And wouldn't it be a great thing, if you didn't have to purchase an entire "LINE" of products, to achieve those desired results!
Longer hair...
Stronger hair...
Healthier hair...
Fast Growth...
Conditioned hair...
Managable hair...

Well I'm going to introduce to, and show you my very own results where I went from slow-growing, relaxed, brittle, broken, damaged, stressed, (with uneven, split ends) hair... to an average of one inch growth per month, of THICK, strong, shiny, and over "seven" inches of healthy hair, in just under 18 months, using "Its A Miracle-Nature's Oils" Leave-in growth formula oil spray.

But FIRST...
 A word from one of my distributor team members,  Igxtelle... *Be sure to follow her as well!
Check out Igxtelle's review below...

Listen Carefully as one of My team members explains the benefits of It's A Miracle-Natures Oils Growth Spray.  This is another GREAT product that "Really WORKS!!"  I also used this product, and was very pleased with my results as well.  I grew 7 1/2" of hair in just under 18months using this product!  Even after battling "Traction Alopecia!"

To Become an Independent Distributor, send and inquiry to:

Contact Person: Jamie L Branch, Independent distributor: (779) 216-4772
Twitter: @MiracleOilSpray /

Here are the current specials for my subscribers...

My Hastag:  #GrowHairFAST
*In order to take advantage of the savings below,  you MUST BE SUBSCRIBED to this blog. Also like our Facebook page.  Thank you all, and I appreciate your support! 
**Mandatory Tax = Illinois customers only
***Customers pay shipping unless specified

ItsAmiracleNEW.gifItsAmiracleNEW.gif*Two, 16oz. Bottles of product
Its A Miracle “Twin Pack”....................... $55.00 (Save $5 .00)
***Shipping: US-Mainland: $14! TAX=$4.95
outside Il. clients click here -->
3PakMiralce.jpgIts A Miracle~ 3-Pk…………….$75.00 (Save $15.00)
Shipping: US-Mainland: $14.00 TAX=$7.43
outside Il. clients click here -->
Miracle4pk.jpg ItsAMiracle~4-Pk………….$100.00 ( Save $20.00)
Shipping: US-Mainland: $14.00 TAX=$9.90
outside Il. clients click here -->
"Limited Time" Special Purchase" Get FOUR (16oz) Bottles of ITS A MIRACLE- NATURES OILS leave-in conditioning growth formula spray. Retail Value: $120
6pkMiracle.jpgIts A Miracle~ 6 Pk……………….$150.00..(Save $30.00)
Shipping: US-Mainland: $14.00 TAX=14.85
outside Il. clients click here -->
Description: Six large (16oz) Bottles of "Its A Miracle Nature's Oils" conditioning hair growth formula spray.

brand:Its A Miracle Nature's oils growth formula
manufacturer:Daurham Corporation
Jamie L. Branch Independent Distributor
Rockford, Il 61103
779-216-4772 for immediate assistance
  Prices also reflect "Dr. Daurham's Extreme Growth Formula"16oz 
Thank You Very much for stopping by!
If you have any questions on usage, feel free to email me. I will respond within 48 hours.
or you can text to the mobile customer service line listed above.
Other ways you can stay in touch & Have Fun with us are:
Payment Options:DIRECT MAIL:MoneyOrder Payable to contact above...or call for more details
1: @MiracleOilSpray (Twitter)
2: (#GrowHairFAST) Hashtag movement: upload your selfies!!
I can be reached Attn: or (Miracle Oil Spray)

P.S. You may also comment in the sidebar→ and a representative will contact you regarding ordering, securely.We are always eager to assist you!

Disclaimer:  As with any product purchased retail, or wholesale, in a brick and mortar location, or online, you are using this product at your own risk. Also results may vary, and I make no claims to such results. Should you have any questions about product content, or chemical composition, international distribution, etc. please contact the manufacturer directly at:
*For Distributor Opportunities
Daurham Corporation
Scottsdale, AZ. 85255
Your Enroller: Jamie Branch *Email me for enrollment forms

If you made it this far…”Congratulations!!!”  Keep reading for a $$$$ Making Opportunity..

Daurham Corporation

...Is seeking new "Independent Distributors" for their awesome hair products.  If you own a salon, and are looking for a great new product to add to your arsenal, then look no further.  There are THREE products that can be retailed, to bring in THREE additional lines of income to your business.  All are quoted at the same price point, and you set your own prices, if you so choose to, creating your own profit margins.  You will be responsible for reporting your income to the IRS, and it is best, if you do not own, a business, that you register yourself as an Independent contractor, or independent distributor.  I will be doing "coaching" for any "Newbies" to the field, so feel free to sign up by sending an email to:
Jamie Branch @ (
Subject: Distributor Coaching Program

I will help you get started, and coach you along the way during your first six months of business. We will go over all the ins and outs of being and independent distributor, your responsibilities, and tips and tricks to bring in the sales...

If this sound like something you'd be interested in, please contact me today! Let's all help someone end the stresses of "Bad Hair Days" together!!
God Bless!